Mold Remediation Photo Gallery

Crawl Space Mold Remediation
Here is a photo of before and after of a crawl space that had moisture issues that caused mold to develop that was found by a home inspector during a home resell in Fairfield PA.
Mold Remediation in basement of Chambersburg Home
This home has water damage that wasn't properly addressed, causing mold to grow out of control on the wood and other material of the basement. SERVPRO performed extensive demo and cleaning of the area to capture all the spores to give the customer a safe environment again. SERVPRO can help answer your question regarding mold damage and educate you during the process.

HEPA Air Scrubber used at Mold Jobs
The DefendAir HEPA 500 Air Scrubber uses HEPA filter media with an efficiency rating of 99.97% against 0.3-micron oily aerosol particles and provides 250 to 500 CFM, the typical airflow level demanded on restoration jobs.

Does you basement look like this?
If your basement looks like this you may need to get a few things done. First off, there is mold growth in the basement due to a leaking foundation. Next you need to fix the source of the water intrusion. It may be the gutters, sealing the walls or general repair to the walls and floor.

Mold in basement on Drywall
Mold is common to grow in basements because it has all of the needed conditions. Mold likes dark & damp environments. Most customer run a dehumidifier in there basement to prevent that musty smell which is really mold starting to form.

Mold Growth in Basement
Basements are the most common places SERVPRO of Chambersburg see's mold growth. This home was having a foundation leak that caused the mold to develop when water was leaking in to the property.
Un-noticed Water Damage turns to Mold in Chambersburg
This unoccupied bank owned property experience a broken pipe in the bathroom. The bank property manager was under the impression that the property was being inspected and maintained.
Due to the mold, SERPVRO estimated that the water damage occurred 3-6 weeks prior to inspected the home.
When mold occurs in a water damage it can almost double the cost of a typical water damage. Time is very important when dealing with water.
SERVPRO provided a first treated and contained the mold in the areas, then began removing the wet material that was unsalvagable, like the drywall, carpets and hardwood floors. Then after the mold remediation was completed, SERVPRO hired sub-contract to restore the property to pre-loss condition.
A Waynesboro home that was Highly Infected with Mold
This Waynesboro home's utility room where the hot water heater is that was leaking for a long period of time. The customer open the door and notice a high level of growth of mold.
If you ever find mold that is greater than 10 square feet, call a professional.