Community Photo Gallery

2020 Chambersburg Chamber Ambassadors Group
A photo of the General Manager of SERVPRO, Britany in the Chambersburg Chamber Ambassadors in the front row second from left.

Each year we like to bring all the characters to life for Chambesburg PA.

Chamber Ambassador
General Manager, Brittany serves as an ambassador for the Chambersburg Chamber of Commerce where she helps mentor new members to get the most our of their membership.

2016 Holiday Mixer with Chambersburg Chamber
SERVPRO of Chambersburg is highly involved with the local Chambersburg Chamber of Commerce. This was at the 2016 December Mixer held at Wilson College. We had a blast meeting everyone.

2016 Trick or Treat
SERVPRO of Chambersburg hosted a safety stop for Halloween Trick-or-Treat on October 31st 6-8pm. We wanted all the kids to have a safe, fun evening and to help with that we will be providing everyone with glow sticks as well as goodies bags of candy and even hot coco to keep everyone warm! It was set up in Kessington Heights Chambersburg PA.

2016 Trick or Treat
SERVPRO of Chambersburg hosted a safety stop for Halloween Trick-or-Treat on October 31st 6-8pm. We wanted all the kids to have a safe, fun evening and to help with that we will be providing everyone with glow sticks as well as goodies bags of candy and even hot coco to keep everyone warm! It was set up in Kessington Heights Chambersburg PA.

Trick or Treat 2016
SERVPRO of Chambersburg hosted a safety stop for Halloween Trick-or-Treat on October 31st 6-8pm. We wanted all the kids to have a safe, fun evening and to help with that we will be providing everyone with glow sticks as well as goodies bags of candy and even hot coco to keep everyone warm! It was set up in Kessington Heights Chambersburg PA.

SERVPRO of Chambersburg and Station #4 Blood Drive
Recently SERVPRO of Chambersburg and Station #4 Fire Department teamed up to host an American Red Cross Blood Drive! We plan on hosting more blood drives in the future so stay posted on future dates!

SERVPRO is Highly involved Chamber of Commece
In the photo is Brittany, General Manger of SERVPRO of Chambersburg and Pat from New's Talk 103.7 at the summer mixer held a Keystone Ford greeting the guest. Being a part of the Chambers in the area has help our company grown its relationships. Brittany strive to help the Chamber grow by serving on the Ambassador Committee for the Chambersburg & Waynesboro Chamber, President of the Chambersburg Chamber Referral Group, and attend as many functions as she can. It's important for SERVPRO of Chambersburg to build the relationships with the local community and learn about other services that are in our own area.
Learn how you can join or participate at the local Chambers in your community!

SERVPRO of Chambersburg Trick or Treat Safety Stop
SERVPRO of Chambersburg hosted a safety stop for Halloween Trick-or-Treat. We wanted all the kids to have a safe, fun evening and to help with that we provided everyone with glow sticks as well as goodie bags of candy and even hot coco to keep everyone warm!

2015 Chamber Mixer at SERVPRO
SERVPRO hosted the 2015 August mixer for the Chambersburg Chamber of Commerce

SERVPRO brought Disney to Chambersburg in 2015
SERVPRO of Chambersburg was in the 2015 Chambersburg Christmas Parade as Disney. SERVPRO of Chambersburg enjoys the parade every year and brought something new to the town.
All the children faces light up and were so excited to see their favorite charters like Mickey Mouse, Goofy, Elsa, Belle, the Star Wars group as well and much more.
2015 Chambersburg Christmas Parade Group
Can you see all our favorite Disney Characters? SERVPRO of Chambersburg at the 2015 Parade as Disney. It's all about giving the community a great show for the holiday's.

Crew Chief Josh with Family
SERVPRO are super hero with many different outfits! Here is Crew Chief Josh with his Family for the 2015 Christmas Parade in Chambersburg.
General Manager: Brittany as Belle
General Manager Brittany as Belle for the 2015 Parade in Chambersburg.

Red Cross Hero's Award
Brittany from SERVPRO of Chambersburg, presenting the Hero's award to Silver Spring Township Police Officer, Tracy Miller for her remarkable services to help others.

Insurance Event
Marketing representative at today's insurance event in Gettysburg PA. Got to meet insurance professional from all of the state and exchange information and story's

Business-to-Business Expo
At the Business-to-Business Expo by the Chamber of Commerce, Volunteering at the registration table is Dennis Mickley and Brittany Snyder( Marketing Rep. SERVPRO OF Chambersburg), pictured. This first-time event increased awareness of the dozens of Chamber members who participated

2015 Walk in Heels Event
The Men at SERVPRO Participate for the annual Women In Need, "Walk a Mile in Her Shoes Event" Walk a Mile in Her Shoes is the International Men's March where men literally walk in women's high-heeled shoes as a symbolic gesture to raise awareness on the issue of violence against women. When men participate in this event, they show to the community that they are willing to take a stand against violence. Sexual violence affects our entire society and all of us can make a difference.

2014 Chamber of Commerce Mixer
SERVPRO of Chambersburg along with SERVPRO of Shippensburg's booth at the 2014 Chamber of Commerce Mixer at Shippensburg University.

Community Volunteering Project
SERVPRO of Chambersburg and Fayetteville Contractors, Inc. donated some time and resources to the Hamilton Heights Youth Baseball team to help them demolish several buildings so they can build a nice new baseball field for the Chambersburg Community.

2013 Cumberland Valley Breast Cancer 5k
CVBCA has sponsored an Annual 5K Walk/Run since 1997. It is an event that our community looks forward to every May. Our aim is to promote public awareness of breast cancer and to come together as a community to show our love and support! Traditionally the 5K is held on a Saturday in early May.

2014 Cumberland Valley Breast Cancer 5k
CVBCA has sponsored an Annual 5K Walk/Run since 1997. It is an event that our community looks forward to every May. Our aim is to promote public awareness of breast cancer and to come together as a community to show our love and support! Traditionally the 5K is held on a Saturday in early May.

Showing Community Support
SERVPRO of Chambersburg Believes in growing the community. Brittany, General Manager for SERVPRO is the attending a local buinssess ribbon cutting to celabrate there new begining. Being a part of the Chambers in the area has help our company grown its relationships. Brittany strive to help the Chamber grow by serving on the Ambassador Committee for the Chambersburg
The ribbon's been cut at Divinity Homes located at 1112 Kennebec Dr. in Chambersburg - Congrats! They have more than 40 years of experience in the real estate and development business. Read more on our blog:

SERVPRO attends ribbon cutting for business in town.
The Daily Grind is now open! Congrats on their ribbon cutting today with many people from the community there to support. Stop in and try their coffee, frappes, pastries, ice cream and more at 1098 Lincoln Way East

Women in need walk in Chambersburg
Today SERVPRO men and there family's walked 6 blocks in downtown Chambersburg in heels for Franklin County Women and Need!
Give them a round of applause.